Hello Neighbors!
First and foremost, I would like to thank all of you that took interest in the election this year, those that were able to attended the Annual Meeting yesterday, and for your patience while we navigated uncharted territory. I was very excited to see a quorum for the first time in the 4 yrs I have lived here. Community involvement is KEY in accomplishing changes to our neighborhood.
I am honored to be elected your new HOA President and will do my very best to represent our community with honesty, fairness, and transparency!
Next, I would like to address comments & concerns regarding the park...
The park improvement vote on the ballot was solely for the purpose of gaging whether the majority of the community wanted to see improvements to the park. Jumping straight into forming a Park Committee without the majority voting that they wanted to see improvement would have been a waste of time for anyone on the Committee. I know this first hand as I was on the previous Park Committee and dedicated hours upon hours of researching requirements for compliancy with our insurance policy, calling every commercial playground equipment manufacturer from here to Pennsylvania (no joke), contacting contractors for bids on installment and ground preparation, etc. Only to have it fail to pass at the Annual Meeting. I was devastated, and I don't want anyone else going through the same experience.
Looking back over the last month leading up to the meeting I can see where we failed in educating homeowners on what exactly they would be voting for regarding the park. For that, I apologize and promise to do better in the future.
I have turned off comments on the post. NOT because I don't want you to have a voice, but because the post went far past constructive conversation. The park project is not dead. And if you are passionate about wanting a park in our neighborhood it takes involvement from all that want to see it happen!
I would also like to ask ALL members to review the rules of the FB page. We will make sure they are pinned at the top of the page.
Sorry for the novel
April Newman Nisqually Meadows HOA President